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Product Features

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות


After filling out the card issuing form, customer data is immediately sent to the CRM

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Duplicate Control

When clients fill out the issuing form, an algorithm checks the existing customer base for duplicate information

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Web Form

Design your own form for issuing cards. Add fields to get first name, last name, phone number and date of birth

Cards Issuing

Creating cards for your clients is simple, just like magic


CCPA ready

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)


GDPR ready

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות


Add and edit social links, websites, online booking forms and more

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות


Any changes in information are immediately displayed on the card, which allows you to keep your clients informed about the latest news and show them the updated data

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות


The color, logo, conditions of the promotion and any information on the card can be changed without the need to reissue the cards

Fully customizable cards

Change cards on the fly

מעקב אחרי לקוחות נאמנים


Automatic PUSH notifications within 100 meters of your business locations. Displayed on loyalty cardholders' lock screen

איך להגדיל הכנסות דרך נאמנות


Notifications are sent manually as a PUSH message. Send PUSH to your entire customer base or a selected segment

מערכות לניהול כרטיסי נאמנות


Automatic PUSH notifications with information about bonus balance changes. Sent instantly after each transaction

Free PUSH instead of paid SMS

Totally free &

יצירת מועדון לקוחות דיגיטלי

Create your way

The PUSH automation builder allows you to configure any script for sending PUSH notifications

התראות דחיפה ללקוחות


Automatic PUSHs are sent 28 days after the last purchase with an invitation to make a repeat purchase

ניהול תוכניות נאמנות

Quality control

Automatic PUSHs are sent 1 hour after each transaction with the offer to leave feedback on the service quality

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Phone Call

Interactive link to the phone number. The client can always contact you with 1 click

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Referral Program

The client can share the card with friends and earn points. Expand your customer base at no cost

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Quality Control

Quality control link is available on all cards in the description


Maintain a perfect communication system with your clients

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Webpage Links

Post links to any website or online service with the ability to edit anytime

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Social Links

Post links to your social network pages and edit anytime

איך להגביר מעורבות לקוחות

Map Links

By clicking on the address, the map application on the device will open and lead the customer to your business

Your own design

Add your logo, icon and custom colors. Create your card in your own brand style

Card Builder

111 card templates

Just choose the one that suits you and your business activity

Card issuing form

Add custom fields to the questionnaire form and get the data that you need

Promotion rules

Add conditions of the promotion. Show the client how easy it is to get bonuses

LevelUp Loyalty | לבל אפ

Referral Sharing

Your customers can share the card and receive bonuses from your store. Grow your customer base for free


Issue cards via a widget on your website

באמצעות רשת


Share the promotion card link on any social network or messenger with your clients.
It's free

Advertise  your promotion

Card Status

Control the status of installed cards online with the CRM

Send SMS

Additional paid option


Import Clients

You can upload a client base and issue digital cards within minutes

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Generate an A4 promo

QR code, Direct link, Rules, Instructions.

Give points through a mobile application

Scanner App

The easiest way to reward customers with bonuses

Install our free PWA card scanner app. Give points and stamps for purchases the moment your client pays. Provide the app to every salesperson in your business and monitor realtime shared statistics

The Menu А 5 (2).jpg

Join over 3,000 businesses

איך לשמר לקוחות בעסק קטן

Start small — upgrade when needed.

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